Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hair Feathers Into Earings

If you're like me, you recently fell into the craze of hair feather extensions. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, they are skinny and often colorful pheasant feathers pinned into your hair. I personally had two, both were shades of purple and one a had a yellow feather. When in your hair, you can wash them, style them, and basically do whatever to them without worry. After having mine for about two month I decided to take them out leaving me with a few feather that I still found pretty. As I tried to figure what else I could do with them, I decided to make earrings out of them. Warning: they do not match, but I kinda like that. In fact, I mostly only wear one at a time, with a stud or hoop in the other ear. Anyways, here's what I did: 

What you will need:
Your feathers obviously (bundle however many you want on each earring)
Super glue
Jewelry connector clamps (they look like these)

What to do:
It is best to glue the tip of the feathers with your super glue. The slightest dab of glue will work. As the the glue is still tacky, place the tips of your feathers in/on your connector clams. Take your pliers and clamp shut the connectors. Make sure to close it tightly so the feather don't fall out. In case any glue seeps out, make sure to wait until it is thoroughly dry before hooking the earring onto the clamped feathers.

I thought about, but obviously did not do, but another cute addition to the feathers would be to add a long skinny chain to add more texture or shine.

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